Саундтреки Бэтмен: Начало / OST Batman Begins (2011)

Качество: MP3 | VBR kbps
Саундтреки: Бэтмен: Начало
OST: Batman Begins
Жанр: саундтреки
Количество треков : 81
Время звучания: 03:23:49
Саундтреки Бэтмен: Начало MP3:
01 Opening Titles/Young Bruce Falls - 2:04
02 Prison Nightmare - 1:01
03 Meeting Ducard - 1:57
04 The Long Walk - 2:19
05 Monastery - 2:45
06 Father To The Rescue - 2:12
07 Bruce’s Discomfort - 0:37
08 Mugging (Part 1) - 1:18
09 Mugging (Part 2) - 2:50
10 Training - 2:50
11 Campfire - 3:27
12 Courthouse (Part 1) - 2:39
13 Your System Is Broken - 0:56
14 Meeting Falcone - 3:08
15 Decision - 2:31
16 Hide In The Dark - 2:59
17 Initiation Into League/Temple Fight - 6:30
18 Return To Gotham - 0:51
19 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 1) - 0:59
20 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 2) - 1:14
21 The Bat Cave - 2:57
22 Wayne Enterprises - 1:24
23 Prototypes - 1:41
24 Preparing Equipment - 1:49
25 Batman Visits Gordon - 1:13
26 Why Bats - 2:34
27 Dockyard Ambush - 3:10
01 Rachel Attacked - 2:24
02 Microwave Stolen - 1:24
03 Meeting Rachel - 1:37
04 Crane’s Mask - 0:44
05 Gordon At Home - 1:27
06 Batman On Fire - 2:31
07 Finders Keepers - 1:41
08 Fox Is Fired - 1:11
09 Making Medicine - 4:08
10 Fight In Crane’s Lab - 5:01
11 Back Up - 1:34
12 Batmobile Chase - 5:01
13 Rachel In Bat Cave - 1:26
14 Your Father’s Name - 0:55
15 Crane Interrogated - 0:33
16 Ducard Appears - 1:08
17 Ducard & Gotham’s Fate/Bruce Left For Dead - 3:30
18 Antidote - 3:32
19 Batman Arrives - 2:30
20 Rescue Rachel - 2:55
21 Final Confrontation - 1:19
22 Train Fight - 3:18
23 Danger Over - 0:52
24 Surveying The Ruins - 3:19
25 Gordon Says Thanks - 1:51
26 End Credits - 3:30
01 Ra's Al Ghul Suite - 7:15
02 Batman Theme - 3:16
03 Prison Nightmare (Alternate Mix) - 1:01
04 Monastery (Alternate Mix) - 2:45
05 Father To The Rescue (Alternate Mix) - 2:12
06 Mugging (Part 1) (Alternate Mix) - 1:06
07 Mugging (Part 2) (Alternate Mix) - 2:50
08 Training (Alternate Mix 1) - 2:53
09 Training (Alternate Mix 2) - 2:49
10 Campfire (Alternate Mix 1) - 3:27
11 Campfire (Alternate Mix 2) - 3:27
12 Your System Is Broken (Alternate Mix) - 0:56
13 Meeting Falcone (Alternate Mix) - 3:09
14 Decision (Alternate Mix) - 2:31
15 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 1) (Alternate Mix) - 0:58
16 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 2) (Alternate Mix) - 1:14
17 Preparing Equipment (Alternate Mix) - 1:54
18 Why Bats? (Alternate) - 2:33
19.Batman On Fire (Alternate) - 2:28
20 Batmobile Chase (Alternate Mix) - 4:51
21 Gordon Says Thanks (Alternate Mix) - 1:51
22 Original End Credits - 7:15
Размер: 384 MB
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